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2023-08-07 13:26:18

Webinar: ecommerce crossborder: Explorando Oportunidades y Estrategias

Únete a nuestro webinar en el que exploraremos las tendencias y oportunidades del comercio electrónico crossborder, destacando los aspectos clave para el éxito en este campo en constante evolución incluyendo pagos, logística y mucho más.



2021-03-29 13:21:34


That’s the amount of money raised last week by 3 On Demand Delivery companies!! Food and grocery delivery exploded during the pandemic! It has created a huge amount of money invested into this space, competition is increasing, consolidating is increasing! Who will win? I’m wondering what happens if the rule that was just passed by […]



2020-10-21 10:47:56

Peak Season Coming Soon!

The most interesting news of last week was the third party seller’s sales growing by 60% to 3.5Bln during Amazon Prime Day.  This shows the importance and growth of small and medium size enterprises on the marketplace Also… Zalando buy body scanning startup Shopify Fulfillment Network gaining momentum Walmart divides black Friday into 3 dates [...] VER MÁS