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2020-08-28 12:50:51

AMVO Recap del 24 al 28 de agosto.

En este segundo trimestre del año, muchas han sido las empresas a nivel que mundial, que gracias al e commerce, están reportando altas ventas. Lee más de ello en este recap de noticias.



2020-08-17 12:34:20

The enemy of my enemy is my friend

The big news of the week is the partnership of Walmart with Instacart! It was a surprise showing companies doing “whatever it takes” to win the online grocery war! Other major news includes… Kroger launches Marketplace Amazon Pharmacy launch in India Casper goes offline with Sam’s Club RentTheRunway closes all stores Archanto B2B Ecom Software [...] VER MÁS
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2020-07-27 11:45:37

Online grocery continues to grow!! Camping time!

Online sales jumped 76% last month VS last year and the trend is not slowing down! Last week news….   China Missfresh raise 0.5 Bln for online grocery! Shopify enhance virtual shopping & Buy Now Pay Later 7-Eleven catch up on online order & delivery AB Tasty raises $40M to optimize e-commerce UX Arrive Outdoors […]



2020-07-13 13:11:51

Shopping Anywhere, Anytime, Anything!

Do we need stores?
Do we need consumer facing fixed infrastructure?
Would it be better & possible to have a mobile store?

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2020-07-07 12:18:37

The fight of the titans!

The big news of the week is the acquisition of Postmates by Uber for $2.6Bln, the consolidation continue in the delivery space! Also some important news from…. Nike going all in with digital sales Amazon postponing prime day to October Lululemon purchase of Mirror Credicorp Financial institution moves into ecommerce platform Venmo goes into ecommerce [...] VER MÁS


2020-05-08 10:56:12

Guía para una Entrega a Domicilio Segura para Todos

Esta guía define las recomendaciones a seguir en los diferentes momentos del proceso, desde realizar el pedido, en el comercio o al momento de realizar las compras, entregar o recibir un pedido.

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2020-05-08 09:59:12

Guía para una Entrega a Domicilio Segura para Todos

Con el objetivo común de resguardar la salud de todos los consumidores, socios repartidores, conductores, compradores, dispensadores y trabajadores de restaurantes y comercios diversos, las principales plataformas de tecnología en México han desarrollado un compromiso de colaboración para las compras para entrega a domicilio.
